Discipline, Surrender, Flow


That moment when you finally find your flow & trust in the Universe in the face of uncertainty is like a breath of fresh air for the first time, in a long time.

When things are uncertain and when you seem to have no control, it is not a sign to become defeated and stagnant. Instead, it is a sign to focus on what it is that you can control, what you can do in the meantime, how you can prepare yourself & ground yourself for whatever it is that comes your way; When the Universe finally reveals their plan to you! Ask your higher self those questions. 

But panicking, fear, and the need for control will delay the miracles and even hinder the plan. Do not go against Nature. The Universe does not like that you don’t trust in it. We must always trust that everything is working out for the ultimate and highest good, even when we can not yet understand how.

 I say this as an affirmation when I feel anxious because I am a person who likes certainty, stability and control. I can admit it. But when I don’t get my way & things are unclear, I panic & have feelings of fear sometimes. I am personally used to having a straight connection with the Universe because of my claircognizance, clairvoyance, Pisces placements etc. So when that’s foggy & I find my self nervous, I say to myself “Everything is always working out for my highest & ultimate good.” 

Say it with me...

“Everything is always working out for my highest & ultimate good. I trust in the divine plan. I trust in the Universe. Everything is always working out for my highest & ultimate good. I am safe, all is well.” 

The affirmation “I am safe & all is well” is one that is amazing for grounding, helping with anxiety and Root Chakra work. It helps with knowing that you are divinely protected, supported and loved. You are safe, all is well! Don’t worry about a thing. Everything is working out for your highest and ultimate good. ÀSE  

Peace, Love & Prosperity to you.

The 9 Sage 


  1. Indeed a very Important Message!🌞🌝 Peace Love Light & Prosperity to you as well!!


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